If you want to place a message
here please
John Morgan..
My Uncle Edwin John Morgan, from Cove, Farnborough,
Hampshire (8/7/26 - 29/8/07) served on board ML 182 at
HMS ‘Attack’ at Portland from July 1943, then ML 136
from 1st April 1944 at HMS ‘Hornet’ at Haslar,
On D-Day itself, he was involved in shepherding the
Assault Landing Craft to Gold Beach that were
discharged from larger ships in deep water – their job
was to escort them to shallower water, in areas that
had been swept for mines so they could discharge the
troops. ML 136 had begun to escort the (LCT’s) Landing
Craft Tanks before H-Hour – the first Assault on D-Day
set for 0725 hours and stayed near Gold Beach giving
protection with the ASDIC and Radar Dome from D-Day,
the 6th June 1944 until August 1944. ML 136 was giving
protection continually to the Stores and Equipment of
the Supply Line that was coming in to Normandy,
especially after the great storm damage. Her other
duties were those of patrolling all areas with radar
and anti-submarine, except in the American sectors.
Ted was then on ML135 in Ancona, Italy, Minesweeping
in the Med January 1945 – August 1946. As ML135 tied
up, my Uncle met Popski’s Private army carrying a
piano across a square to start a party. These men sold
the lads on everything from Berettas to alcohol. Also
the Coastal Forces base in Malta to September 1946.
I am putting together his life story which we began
writing down a few years before he passed away and
would appreciate any information – technical,
personal, historical, on his ships, naval bases,
geographical locations, theatres of war. Jan Coles.
Edwin John Morgan provided by Jan Coles
324, ML 878 HMS Minstrel..
I am trying to find out
about the wartime history of my late father Charles
Bradley who served on MGB 324 in 1944 ( which I
believe was part of the 14th MGB Flotilla ) also ML
878 and Stag (Motor Boat 38205) in 1945 and HMS
Minstrel M445 (Minesweeper Algerine class) in 1946. He
was also in Mayina in 1946. Any info, photos or advice
would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks
Pat Bradley
ML Flotilla..
James Henry Brooks. Served with 3rd ML Flotilla
1941-1945,possibly on ML462,Gordon Stead skipper? I
have some photos on convoy work/crew/ML's.
Sailed/served in Gibraltar, then onto Malta for most
of the war, he also used to talk about Libya, North
African coast and
Naples. Any information would be gratefully received.
Keep up the good work, great site. Alan
MTB flotilla..
Hello. I am writing a local history book from the
Norwegian coast. Two men from the Batalden island
served on ML-boats (I think) operating in the Channel
during 2.nd WW. I found Leslies web site most
interesting. Do anyone know if there were Norwegian
crew members on English ML's or MTB's, or did the
Norwegian operate their own vessels. My two men were
in the channel area from start of nov. 1941 until they
later were sent to Shetland and joined the 54th
MTB-flotilla in Lerwick. Is there possible to trace my
men in some crew lists or other documents. I will be
most grateful for any information.
Vis re-union..
The final Veterans of
Vis re-union will assemble on the Island of Vis in
Komiza during the week beginning May 18th. Further
details by
Peter (Radar ) MGB 647
Thomas Moxley, ML138..
My father Arthur Thomas
Moxley AB a Londoner was on ML138 during the war and
was awarded the DSM, He was based at Newhaven and is
still alive today living in Whitstable Kent. If there
are any old shipmates out there I can put them in
touch with him. Terry Moxley Canterbury Kent I enclose
a pic of his boat ML138 and would love to find more
pics of his boat for him..
ML138 provided by Terry Moxley
647.. Shipmates,
Having served aboard MGB
647 in the Adriatic and on the Island of Vis (Komiza)
would welcome the opportunity to exchange information
and photographs. Cheers Peter (Radar)
Withers ..
am trying to contact FRANK WITHERS who was on MTB681
the night of her sinking 9th June 1944. My father,
DENNIS GEORGE BODMAN, who was a gunner on this boat,
was injured during the sinking and was in the same
lifeboat as Frank when they were rescued. I would love
to hear from Frank, or anyone who knows him, as I am
trying to find more about my dad's time on MTB681 and
then, after sick leave, MTB729. Please email me at
I am looking for any
information on my late father, DENNIS GEORGE BODMAN,
or the boats that he served on - MTB689, MTB441,
MTB693, MTB681, MTB729, MTB695, MTB467, MTB764, ML248,
ML895, ML834, ML1286 between Sept 1943 and December
1944. He was also based at HMS Amzari, Mayina, HMS
Highflyer and HMS Pembroke as Leading Seaman between
Jan 1945 and November 1946. I would love to hear from
anybody who may have served with him, or anyone that
can tell me more about Amzari, Mayina and Highflyer.
Keeping my fingers crossed! Please email me at
Stewart.. My
late father Robert Stewart served for a time in
Coastal Forces , he was on one of the MTB's send out
to intercept the Brest Squadron when they forced the
channel and was part of the naval force which took the
raiders off the beach at Bruneval. I only have the
number of one ML he was on 249 , although I know he
served on several others. I only have one photograph
of my father on ML's 249 taken at Dartmouth possibly
in early 1943. Names of those in the photo.#"Bunts"
Green , Jock Moran, Stoker hayden, "Texans" Baisley ,
Percy baines, "Spewey" Pugh , Coxan Alex McKew , Bob
"Scous" Hill , Jim Revoles (?) , "Sub Asdic" Drew ,
Rocky Granger. If anyone has a photo of the boat or
knew my late father " Robbie" Stewart I would love to
hear from them.
James Davis..
My Father served with the RN in Gibraltar during World
War Two on a M T B his name was James Davis Has anyone
out there have information on what type of M T B or
any photos or who he served under.
Peter Henry DSM..
Died Sunday 26th October(2008) at Sunderland
Royal Hospital aged 85. Beloved Husband of Freda and
cherished by all the family. Peter served with Honour
in the costal forces during world war two and was
awarded the distinguished service medal.
All Through his life he was passionate about pigeon
racing and was known as part of 'Gippert and Henry'.
Everyone is welcome at a service which will be held at
2pm on Thursday 30th October, prior to a cremation at
Sunderland crematorium at 3pm. Flowers welcome or a
donation to the coastal forces veteran association if
2nd MTB
Acting Stoker P.O. Stephen [Buddy] Hide of MTB 07 was
one of the sixty eight men who succeeded in the escape
on Christmas Day 1941. The Flotilla was scuttled off
the coast at Nano China in Mirs Bay and the party then
travelled overland 2880 miles to Rangoon in Burma. The
story so far can be found at:
Walter McNicholas...
My granddad served on mtbs during the second world war
but cannot find any info his name is John Walter
McNicholas. I believe he was in a pool of sailors. I
also think he served under sir Walter Scott ,and also
sailed on gray goose. Many thanks Andrew.
Evan Ford, ML272, ML103...
My father Geoffrey Evan Ford joined RNVR in London
before 2nd WW ( either 1937 or 39), he was in ML 272
and I believe ML 103. I know he went to Gold Coast and
Bombay in ML's. In 1944/45 he was based at HMS
Sanderling, Paisley, near Glasgow. Would any one
remember him or could give me any information on what
activities these ML's got up to? Please email. Thank
Hornet ML196, I am trying to find out more
about the history of my grandfathers naval
career, especially the reason he was awarded
the DSM. His details are; Alfred Leonard
Downey J109308 he served on MTB 10 and was
involved in the escape from Hong Kong with
Admiral Chan Chak Christmas 1941. I have his
service record and it says he was awarded the
DSM 14th June 1945 and he was then serving on
Hornet ML196. Any information gratefully
received. Christian Storr.
MGB 21, MGB 122, MTB 441, MTB 78.
Charles John Mercer (M.I.D.),
Able Seaman Charles John Mercer (M.I.D.),
Orlikon 22mm Gunner. Coastal Forces Veterans
Association. Membership No. 375, Served on
MGB 21, MGB 122, MTB 441, MTB 78. Was on
HMS Ark Royal when the Japanese surrendered in
the South Pacific.
Sadly passed away on 20th September 2007 aged
Danny McNally was a gunner on MTB 440 under Lt.
Cmdr. Fesq. He is now 84 years and would
appreciate any contact from old shipmates.
am also looking for any information regarding
MTB 440 and crew. The CO at the time was Lt. Guy
Tyrwhitt-Drake RN. Best regards, Mike
Hodgson, pp. Danny Mcnally.
Hello, I am
looking for anyone who served at HMS BEEHIVE in
Felixstowe, Suffolk. Either on the MTB boats or any
thing to do with the Sunderland flying boats. I live
in Felixstowe and am researching the base. Any
stories, memories, photographs anything would be
most welcome. Many thanks, Steve Cox.
MGB 601,
David Newbold's
enquires are now centring on: - Names of crew members,
Ship log, Fairmile Marie Design & Systems, Dover port
Harbour, Fire Service, hospital/Naval records, Any
associated Forums/Discussions Boards, Any allied links
or leads. Please email David Newbold.
My name is Frank
Mackie. I am looking for a crew list of MTB358.
Commissioned Harland and Wolf, Belfast, 1943. Any help
would be greatly appreciated. Please
Maurice Jones ..
It is my soul
destroying task to inform you that Able Seaman MAURICE
HUGH JONES who served aboard MTB 728 and was gravely
ill has died aged 81, on Sunday 7th, January 2007 at
18:10 hours, even unto the end he remembered his
fellow crew, who were killed by friendly fire from MTB
724, in a decisive battle against 3 German boats, we
will miss him greatly, REST PEACEFULLY PAL AND THANK
YOU. Andrew k Milton & family.
MTB728, Maurice Jones ..
Able seaman, Maurice Jones
who served on MTB 728 as part of coastal command during
World War 2, who at this time is gravely ill, would like
to pass on his regards to all crewmen, who served
alongside him and on other boats during this time.
Andrew Milton. pp Maurice Jones R. N. V. R.
Burton Gunner (T) RN DSC .. H.M.S Lion ..
J Burton was my Great Grandfather and who
was Torpedo Boatswain of HMS Lion in action off the
Dogger Bank 24th January, 1915. He was mentioned in
Admiral Beatty's despatch for distinguished services
rendered on that occasion. Apparently, this
information, together with a picture of J Burton, was
published on a cigarette card for Naval & Flying
Heroes. I am looking to purchase a reproduction of that
card, but due to not knowing who the tobacco company
was, I have not been successful. Any information
gratefully received. Loraine Payne.
MTB754 ..
Info on MTB754 of the 68th flotilla required.
ML162, MTB695, MGB692 ..My
late father was on ML162 and MTB 695 -- MGB
692 --- LST 3525. Would you happen to have any
information or photos of the above? Would be grateful for
any information. Best wishes, Peter.
ML194 ..
I am interested in
any information on ML194 and her commander James (Jim)
Bond, RNZNVR. I believe he was based at Portsmouth for
some time. Before D Day he was seconded to the US forces,
went to briefings with Eisenhower & Monty,and on June 6th
lead the first wave of US landing craft into Omaha beach
behind the minesweeper. Anything at all would be of
William O’Neill ..
H.M.S Cotswold ..
I am looking
for information on my granddad William O’Neill he was a
stoker first class on H.M.S Cotswold in World War Two. I
would like to know where his grave is, all I know is that
he died at sea during World War Two. He was married to May
O’Neill and they lived in Inckerman Street, Stockton on
Tees, Co Durham and he had 4 children. If anyone knows
anything about him please email me. Regards
Jackie Cooper.
DOWNEY D.S.M., MTB 10 and ML196; I am researching the
service of Petty Officer A.L. Downey who served in MTB 10 in
the defence of Hong Kong, escaped across occupied China and
later served in ML 196. He was awarded the DSM in 1945. Any
information on him or on ML196 would be gratefully received.
Chris Bilham, Hong KongI
I have recently
found out that a cousin of mine served on the 681, but died
of injuries 10 06 44. Does anyone have any info about the
crew? the boat? the action? email if you know
anything. Many thanks. Trefor Jones
G J (Jim) Macdonald ..
I am doing some research for a possible book about
Lieutenant-Commander G J (Jim) Macdonald, DSO. DSC and 2
bars, Royal New Zealand Naval Volunteer Reserve. He
commanded the 21st MTB Flotilla in 1943-44, when he was 22
or 23. Before that he did an officers' course at HMS Alfred,
and was commissioned as a midshipman in May 1941. Could
anybody please shed some light?
Paul Corrigan, Petone, Lower Hutt, New Zealand.
MTB684.. any
info on this boat its crew and service in ww2 please contact
as my father was on this boat and I do not know any history
about his service in ww2 thanks. Dave
MTB 658..
Stanley Campion..
My father -
Stanley Campion, served with Captain Reynolds and the late
Captain Bligh in WWII as radar operator. He will be 80 on
21st February 2006. I am sure he would love to hear from you
if you remember him. Please contact me. Thank you. Gail
ML286 ..
Geoffrey Head ..
father Geoffrey Head, served on ML.286 during the Second
World War and I wondered if anyone has any information about
this boat or if they knew my father.
Many Thanks. Chris Head.
MTB454 .. Andrew Banger ..
My Grandfather, Andrew Banger DSM MID, served on MTB
454. He would very much like to hear from any of his old
ship mates. Please feel free to Email me so that I can
forward your details on to him.
HMMTB 360.. - PO Clarence
Cuthbert Keem RN..
My grandfather was based
at Felixstowe HMS Beehive and served on the above MTB. On
the night of 1 October 1944 he was in action against a
German convoy off the Dutch coast and was killed. He
received a posthumous Mention in Despatches. Earlier that
year he had been awarded a DSM for his part in a torpedo
attack on another German convoy. Does anyone have any
information about my grandfather? I am slowly piecing
things together but information is scarce. His nickname was
kipper. He was supposed to be off duty on the evening of
the attack but at the last minute he stood in for a shipmate
whose baby girl was very ill. The child later died.
David R Court.
Mellor.. MTB. 751..
My name
is Bob Mellor and I served on M.T.B. 751 as P.O. Motor
Mechanic. I would love to hear from any of my old shipmates..
My father,
Jack Dobson, served on ML253 from June 10 1944 until July 31
1945, and I would like to find out more about this vessel, and
indeed MLs generally. I do know that ML253 was inspected by
Field Marshal Montgomery in Antwerp, June 7 1945, and was in
Hamburg in July '45, but I know very little about its specific
duties or movements prior to this. Any help would be greatly
appreciated. Tim Dobson -
Lt J R
Doyland RNVR..
am trying to find anyone who might remember my father.
Lt J R Doyland RNVR. At first he
served as a seaman having volunteered at the outbreak of the war,
and incidentally he was a teacher at that point and the education
authority threatened him that he would never teach again because
he joined up, he then was posted to King Alfred in Brighton where
he became an officer, I know that he served on MTB’s on the south
coast, he was based at Hollyhead for a time, also on the Isle of
Arran, finally ending up at Gas House Creek in Harwich. He was
offered a full commission on the cessation of hostilities but went
back to teaching in Essex. Hope that you can help as the families
knowledge of his activities during the war is very sketchy. John
am trying to find out any info regarding Coastal Forces boats my
granddad, John George Thomas Burton, served on during the war. I
have found a picture of him onboard a boat which has the
number Q338 written on it. if anyone out there has any info on
this boat or my granddad's service. it would greatly appreciated.. Paul Burton.
& MTB5010.
am trying to get information on two Fairmile D MTBs 679 and 5010
From Feb 1944 to Feb 1946. My Father William (Percy) Allen
served on these boats as a gunner. He died some eight years ago
and although left some information and photos I am trying to
collate a history of his time in MTBs. I have viewed copies of
John Lamberts Fairmile D and Leonard Reynolds Dog Boats at War
which has given an overall picture. If any one has any photos or
information about these specific MTBs or might have known my
Father. I would be very grateful.
I am looking for
information (and any pics) on MTB 656 which my friends father Jack
Earl Newman, served on between 22 Dec 1942 to 5 April 1943. Any
information would be much appreciated.
Fredrick Arthur
Fredrick Arthur Brettell (Fred) from
Wales served on MTBs in WW2. Looking for any information on his
service, I have 2 Pictures of MTBs one which looks like it has 508
on it and one of the Crew after capturing a German Submarine, they
are holding Nazi flags and other Souvenirs, my father emigrated to
New Zealand soon after the war.
Colin Brettell EMAIL
Arthur Charles Taylor..
late father Arthur Charles Taylor (Wag) was in the Navy from
1931(St. Vincent) to 1961 and served on many ships. These included:
Foyle, Dee, Devonshire, Norfolk (1939), Brazen (Aug 39-July 40 on
board when sunk),
Arethusa (Feb 41-Sept 42),
Loyalty (March 43 -Aug 44 on board when sunk),
Pytchley (Nov 44-Jan 46), Ceasar (1949), Venus (Nov 47 -Oct
Rapid 1949 -50), Wilton (Aug 50-May 52), President (April 1954 – 15th
January 1956),
Rooke ( Admiral’s Cox’n at Gibraltar April 1956 –May 1957).
He was also President of the CPO's Mess, Devonport 1952 - 54. All a
very long time ago but any memories of my father or his ships would
be appreciated. He died in 1974 at the early age of 55.
If anyone has any photos or
info on MTB612 or HMS Devonshire please e-mail
Charlie Mercer..
Mercer served on MGB 21 of the 5th flotilla - MGB 122 of the
10th, MTB441 of the 3rd
flotilla and MTB 781 of the 68th flotilla.
He would like to
talk over old times. If you can help please email.
I am researching ML102 on which
my father served. Any info?
I am researching ML361. This was
a boat my granddad, John George Thomas Burton, served on during the
second world war. Any info would be appreciated. Paul Burton.
F. Roger Lightoller..
If anyone personally remembers or has
any information regarding my father,
T.Lt. F. Roger Lightoller, please e-mail me. Thank you,
Daphne. EMAIL
Can anyone supply any history on
MTB761 as my father used to own this boat in Maldon Essex.
Thank you.. Roger Chapman
MTB725 & 64th Flotilla..
Knowles would like information of any crew of MTB 725 including
Jimmy Nisbet 1st Lieutenant and Coxwain Arthur Gallon or
any info on 64th MTB Flotilla.
Geoffrey Knowles MTB 725..
am trying to contact anyone who served with my husband on MTB 725.
We went to Festival of Remembrance and I know he would have liked to
meet up with anyone he served with. Also if anyone has information
as to what happened to MTB 725.Colleen
Brixham based MTBs circa 1943/5..
I would
love to hear from anyone who was based at Brixham on MTBs during the
Second World War. I am trying to get information on my late fathers RN
service. His name was William James Richards (Bill). Any leads would
be wonderful, such as what boats were stationed there etc. Yours aye
. William Richards jnr .
Lt Cmd Tom Ashdown..
Any information on my Father
Lt Cmd Tom Ashdown would be appreciated. Tom
(my Father) who died 10 years ago and never spoke much about the War.
From his service records I note the following:
ML133 in command 22/7/40 - 14/11/40,
ML126 in command 15/11/40=11/5/41,
ML261 in Command and SO 17 ML flotilla 30/10/42-14/12/42,
ML104 in Command and SO 50th ML Flotilla 15/12/42-5/12/43,
Eaglet and Vanquisher and Fame for escort experience
24/1/44-19/3/44, Atreus 1st Lt
4/5/44-27/11/44, LST 157 in command
No knowledge at all of Atreus which we believe was a converted merchant
ship to Minelayer and what operations LST 157
was involved in just some pictures of a beach
landing somewhere.
Remnants of 50th MLF, Ramsgate 12.07.1945 (ML104 centre). Supplied by Leslie J.Sprigg.
Borrett (Ex RAF 43 Squadron and MRS).
am looking for information on RAF Air Sea Rescue
boat ASR 2550 (Now called Buccaneer). I've attached
(below) a drawing that I completed recently of ASR2550 now moored
near Nottingham. With some help from RAF
Hendon, I know that it came into service in 1942
with RAF Leuchars and moved to various places down the
East Coast until being sold off in
1946. I would like to be able to write a short history to
go with the picture.
Buccaneer. © R.Borrett
I would like to hear from anyone who was related to any of the crew on
TB18. I'd particularly like to get any photographs of TB18 or the crew.
Contact me at
Any information regarding Lt. FELIX TATTERSFIELD, C.O. HM MTB
29.(4th MTB Flotilla, HMS Beehive -Felixstowe) Felix was KIA when MTB
29 sunk after a collision with an E-boat on the night of 6/7 October
1942. Does anybody remember him???? or can anyone provide details of
that action. Family would appreciate any information.
Greg Firth
TB33.. I am trying to find
out some information about HM Torpedo Boat 33. I recently bought a tea
cup, saucer and plate [from a collectors fair] with a picture of HMTB 33
and the flags of UK, Russia, France and Belgium
(?). Any info would be welcome. Also, I used to live on a Polish Torpedo
Boat S-8 (ex- HMTB 427) as a houseboat ('Whimsical Macgoffley') in
Southampton. She was originally on the River Hamble as 'Houseboat
Hippocampus' - any info. would be helpful. I have quite a lot of history
of the boat but always welcome anything else! Thanks.
J H HELLIWELL...I am looking for information on J H Helliwell who
served on HMTB115. I am not related but I have a 1914 Christmas
presentation inscribed J H Helliwell MTB115. If anyone has information
please contact Ian at
CHARLES AUGUSTUS HOLLAND.. My cousin Gus served on HMMTB494 during WW2.
The following details are from the Commonwealth War Graves Commission
Debt of Honour Register. "In memory of Charles Augustus Holland, Able
Seaman P/JX 262015, HMMTB494, Royal Navy who died on Saturday 7 April
1945 age 23." I would like to hear from anyone who served on this boat.
Contact Patrick at
MGB616 or MTB616.
My father served on this boat. If anyone can supply any info of MTB616
and any photos of the boat and crew Please contact me at
we are trying to find some photos and any
information on the royal navy motor torpedo boat 630
our grandfather was serving on this boat in 1944 if
you can help please email
CAN YOU HELP> I am trying to find information on MTB647 and any photos
of the Torpedo Boat or its crew. Please contact Barbara Izzard at
I am inquiring on someone to assist in getting any information on HMT
849. My Great Uncle was a ship builder at Smith's Dock in Teeside, some
years ago in his retirement he built a museum quility scale replica of
this ship. However he has since past on this last year and I am in
possession of this replica and live just outside of Houston, Texas,
USA. We have no name, sevice history or anything on this ship and would
like to build a display of this ship with some history on it. If you
have any suggestions it would be appreciated. Kindest regards, Simon
served on the 'Cottesmore' from Late 43 till nov 45 and then went on to
the 'Belvour ' My name is Roy Cox AB / L.Seaman A/A gunner Now living
In Brisbane OZ EMAIL
I am looking for any information, photos etc on HMS Cotswold. My
granddad served on her as a cook during WWII on the east coast convoys.
Contact me at
RICKMAN My Grandfather served on HMS Fernie throughout the war. Any
information about the destroyer, what she did and anyone who may have
information concerning my grandfather Frederick Rickman would be greatly
appreciated. Contact me at
HUGH FORDHAM.. My late husband served in HMS Pytchley, I think he told
me that James Mason, the film star, was serving too, at one time. Does
anyone remember them? If so I would love to hear from them. Contact me
like my deceased uncle Leslie Tomlinson served on HMS Spider
. During a tour of the far east he wrote letter to my mother (b. 5th
May 1919 d. 2002.).
There is a mismatch of some information in that Les's letter thanks
Mum for hers - - and she was very young even at the time HMS Spider was
scrapped - unless the scrap date was later?
As I understand it is written on Japanese wood paper.
I also have photos of my uncle during later service, he also served on
HMS Ajax, but I think this was before the Battle of the River Plate. He
left the navy after the war.
Barry Faith
Sign the ML108 Ships Log